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The ANU Summer 9s competition is a nine-a-side social football competition. It's held at a range of fields across the ANU and Canberra’s inner north, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.



  • We are using Dribl for the first time. What is Dribl? See Dribl Help Centre.

  • Referee payments will be increased to $40 a game to improve referee coverage.

  • We’re leveraging ACT Sportsgrounds and UC Sport from the get-go to offer more divisions and contingency for field closures (inc. wet weather).

  • Players that had disciplinary action taken against them last season will not be allowed to play this year.

  • Team’s will be graded based on the team’s average of the highest level/tier of football played since 2022. We will no longer ask you to rate your own ability or accept preferences for divisions.

  • Teams will lose 1 competition point for forfeiting.



Round 1: Week of 7 October

Round 10: Week of 9 December

Finals: Week of 16 December



Monday: Mixed 1

Tuesday: Womens

Wednesday: Mens

Thursday: Mixed 2


Note: For the mixed competitions, different days are separate competitions. If you want to play in both, you will need to make two separate nominations, and pay team fees for both.



Games will be held at either ANU, UC or Giralang playing fields. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday will be ANU + Giralang. Tuesday will be ANU + UC.


Generally, a team will play at the same field each week, but may change if there are any field closures.


We are not accepting preferences for fields.


Games will run between 6pm and 10:00pm. We will endeavour to balance kick-off times across your division. 


If you have extenuating circumstances and require a certain time, we’re happy to work with you. Please reach out to us at



$950 per team


Note: there is an additional $25.00 insurance payment for each player not registered to play in Capital Football competitions in 2024.

  • As this is a Capital Football sanctioned competition, all participants must have insurance.

  • Uninsured players are not permitted to play. We are not responsible for any injuries sustained by uninsured participants.

  • The insurance cost for the uninsured players will be payable by the Team Manager alongside the team fee, following the nomination process. 

  • If you want to play in multiple teams, you only need to register in PlayFootball once. You will be asked to provide team codes for each of your teams during the registration process.



The nomination period will open at 9:00am on Monday 16 September 2024 and close at 11:59pm on Sunday 22 September 2024.


To nominate a team, team managers must first ‘register’ a team in Dribl during the nomination period. 


Nominate a team in Dribl here


After nominating a team in Dribl, team managers will receive a unique team code by email. 


Team managers must then provide this code to players and instruct them to register in PlayFootball using the team code as soon as possible.


Register to play in PlayFootball here.


Nominations will not be accepted unless your team has at least 9 players registered in PlayFootball by the end of the nomination period. 


You should ensure all of your players register before the nomination period closes. Players registered after this date will not be permitted to play. This is to ensure grading is fair and accurate.


You will need an FA number (i.e. a PlayFootball account) to register.



You will be graded into divisions based on your team’s ability relative to other teams. You will not be able to choose your division.

Ability will be measured using a team average of the highest level/tier of football played since 2022. Every participant will be required to provide their playing history during the nomination process.


We will be checking playing histories. 


If any individual is found to have falsified their playing history, their team’s nomination may be rejected.


The tiers are as follows:



3 SLO1 | SLW2

4 SLO2 | SLW3

5 SLO3 | SLW4 | M1 | MLW

6 SLO4 | SLW5

7 SLO5 | SLW6 | M2

8 SLO6

9 SLO7 | M3

10 SLO8

11 SLO9 | MO45

12 SLO10

13 Social | Junior League | Never played


If you haven’t played in Capital Football competitions, but have played in other states, choose a tier that most accurately reflects your playing history.



After the nomination period closes, team managers receive an email invoice from Xero. This will include the team fee, and any insurance fees for your players.


You will have 72 hours to pay your invoice or your position may be forfeited.


Payment is by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) only.


Instructions for payment will be provided on the invoice. Please ensure you follow the instructions.



If you want to referee, please fill-out the expression of interest form and provide your preferences.


Please also register to referee in Dribl.


Referees will be paid $40 per game if they referee all the matches at the same ground on the same day, and $30 otherwise.



Draws will be developed following the nomination and registration process. All fixtures, results and tables will be in Dribl. Fixtures will be published following the grading process. We expect this to occur during the week starting 30 September.



Teams will only be required to referee games if the appointed referee doesn't show up. If this occurs, teams should referee one-half each. 


For fields at ANU and UC, it is the responsibility of the first kick-off teams to make sure the goals are moved into the right place on the field. It is then the responsibility of the last kick-off teams to move the nets off the fields as required. 


At UC, the goals must be pushed together facing each other so security can lock them. Ensure the goals are off the field on the Southern end of Oval 5.


For fields at ACT Sportsgrounds, a competition organiser will put up and pack down nets.


All teams are to provide a size 5 match ball. This ensures one is available as well as a spare. 



Fixtures may be moved or cancelled at any time. Dribl will automatically email participants if their fixtures are changed/cancelled. Please be aware that field closures are outside of our control, and we reserve the right to move fixtures to any available ground to ensure that fixtures can be played.


Due to field capacity constraints, we are unlikely to be able to reschedule cancelled matches, but will do our best to accommodate, potentially using double headers (see wet weather policy below).


Safety is determined by the referees. If a referee deems a field or conditions unsafe (e.g. lightning), games can be called off. In the event of an incomplete round for a division, the round will be called off. 



If you are short on players, forfeiting should only be used as a last resort. We support using fill-ins and borrowing players from other teams to avoid forfeiting. Please post in the Summer 9s Facebook group if you need players.


You may also get in contact with the opposition manager to see if they have spare players. Their contact details will be available to you in Dribl.


Should you need to forfeit, you can submit a forfeit request in Dribl. You will be deducted 1 point for forfeiting, and it may affect nominations involving your players in future years.



This is a 9-a-side competition (i.e. eight outfield players plus one designated goalkeeper). 


The minimum number of players is six, inclusive of the goalkeeper.


Games are played over 2 x 20 minutes halves with a five minute half time break.

  • Games will not be delayed or time made up for tardiness. If you are late, your game will be shortened. If you are more than 10 minutes late, your team will forfeit the match.


The minimum age is sixteen (16).


Shin guards are compulsory. Players will not be permitted on the field without shin guards. If you make it onto the field without them and are injured, you will not be covered by insurance. Referees reserve the right to deny your participation without shin guards.


​The Home team must not wear white. 


The Away team must wear white. 


Goalkeepers must wear a different coloured shirt to both teams. The nominated strip colour must not include white, and the away white shirts must not include other colours.


Regular football rules apply (IFAB laws of the game) except for: 

  • No offside 

  • Corner flags are not required 

  • No slide tackles. Slide tackles will result in an indirect free kick for the opposition.


The referee's decision is final.


Players that are cautioned (yellow card) will be required to leave the field for five minutes, but may be replaced by another player. 

Players that are sent off (red card) will be required to leave the field for the whole game and may face further disciplinary action (such as individual or whole team expulsion from the competition). Sent off players cannot be replaced.


Any acts of aggression will result in disciplinary action that may include loss of competition points and/or expulsion of a player or team from the competition. If any aggressive behaviour occurs, the referee will submit a report to the competition organisers.

  • Dribl includes a reporting feature. If you have any issues with your match, please use this feature to communicate to competition organisers, and we will follow-up.


Competition points will be awarded as follows:

  • 3 points for a win

  • 1 point to each team for a draw

  • 0 points for a loss.

  • -1 point for a forfeit.


Please remember that this is a SOCIAL competition and should be played that way.


Teams should ensure their players act appropriately. 


Teams that do not play in the spirit of the competition may be expelled from the competition. 


For the mixed competition, we are changing some out-dated rules to better reflect the nuances of gender, and remove any references to gender advantages in the context of scoring, or number of players on the field.

  • Teams will be required to field 4 male-identifying players, and 4-female identifying players, while the remaining player can be of any gender identity, including those that are gender diverse. 


Any form of questioning someone's gender identity will be deemed as bullying and will not be tolerated in our competition. 



Referees will enter scores directly into Dribl as soon as practicable after each match.


Referees will record the number of goals and final score, as well as the names of any players given yellow or red cards.


Team managers are also required to submit scores through the Dribl app at the end of each game.

  • If there are disputes that cannot be settled immediately, please use the dispute feature in Dribl to communicate with organisers. We will then be in touch.


Additionally, for any red card offences, and any fights, a written report containing the same level of information as the injury report will also be submitted by the referee in Dribl. 


You can use Dribl to record scoring statistics, but this must be done by managers. 


If your referee does not show up, you must note this in Dribl.



Please use Dribl to document any injuries. If an injury occurs, minor or major, the referee should make note of the following:

  • Injured players full name

  • Details of incident

    • Example 1 – Jane Smith of Manchester United injured her left leg when tackled by an opponent. She had to leave the field and did not return.​

    • Example 2 – John Brown of Pink FC jumped for the ball and landed awkwardly, rolling his right ankle. He left the field but came back and was able to finish the game.



This policy outlines the procedures for handling wet weather during the summer soccer competition.



  • Rained out games will not be rescheduled, unless we make alternative arrangements at our discretion.

  • In the event that the same competition is rained out on multiple occasions, we reserve the right to move divisions between grass and synthetic fields to ensure an equal as possible number of games across divisions.



  1. The organisers will rely on advice provided by ANU Facilities and Services, ANU Sport, UC Sport, and ACT Sportsgrounds regarding whether fields are open and playable.

  2. If a field is unplayable, the organisers reserve the right to move the fixture to an alternative venue that is playable.

  3. If a fixture is unplayable, the organisers will cancel the fixture in Dribl.

  4. All participants will receive an email from Dribl if a fixture is moved or cancelled.

  5. If a game is cancelled due to rain, the affected teams will be awarded no points.

  6. The competition coordinator will make every effort to avoid cancelling games, but the safety of the players is always the top priority.



Please reach out to, but please be patient with us as we are not on call 24/7. Please do not DM organisers on Facebook.

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